REVIEW of “The Elizabeth Papers” by Jenetta James

I am going to be a bit naughty and I will start the review of this book with a negative comment: it is far too short. I wrote it, that’s it. I would have loved to read two hundred pages more!

Jenetta James was so extremely kind as to offer me a copy of her book in exchange of a honest review and here you have it. I do apologise for taking so long but life got in the middle.

If you like books like The Da Vinci Code  by Dan Brown or The Eight by Katherine Neville + Jane Austen, you will love this book. The Elizabeth Papers features two intertwined storylines set two centuries apart where the protagonist of the 19th century are Mr. and Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy, yes, the characters from Pride and Prejudice. Whereas the protagonists from the 21st century are Charlie Haywood, a private detective, and Evie Pemberton, a young artist.

Both Charlie and Evie come together due to a Darcy Trust that gives money to all Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy’s female descendants. But why? Why only the women and what does Charlie and Evie have to do with it?

In order to know the reasons behind that trust, Charlie investigates to know the truth and what will make this book awesome is a secret diary written by Elizabeth Darcy about her life and her secrets. Do you believe that Darcy and Elizabeth were always happy? Do you think that there was no betrayal or infidelity? Are you of the opinion that Elizabeth and Darcy were happy ever after their double wedding with the lovely couple of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bingley?

You must read this book and discover it for yourself. There will be moments of disbelief and incredulity but you will have to keep reading and find out why does this trust exists and what happened to the protagonists of, I believe, the most famous novel by Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice.

I want to also mention a bit more about Charlie and Evie: there is mistrust, there is chemistry, there is attraction, there is pain but eventually things get better for them after they solve the enigma of The Elizabeth Papers. However, will there be a happy ending for the 21st century characters?

I recommend you to go directly to your usual bookshop and buy this book. It is easier to go online and get a ebook copy or a paperback. You can find The Elizabeth papers on:

Amazon UK       Amazon US       Amazon ES (English version)      BN     Book Depository

Moreover, follow Jenetta James to see what else she is writing.

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She has another novel: Suddenly Mrs. Darcy, it is on my to-be-read list and it is very intriguing because Mrs. Bennet declares that Mr. Darcy has compromised Elizabeth and they must marry. (I have checked and it is only 170 pages… guess who is going to complain about that on her review 😉 )

5out5 stars


5 thoughts on “REVIEW of “The Elizabeth Papers” by Jenetta James”

  1. What an amazing endorsement. “If you like books like The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown or The Eight by Katherine Neville + Jane Austen, you will love this book.” That made me happy too!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Christina, that’s just the beginning. I have to read “Aerendgast” now and I am sure it will be something like: Jane Austen meets The Da Vinci Code 🙂
      The poor book is waiting too long on my shelf now 😦

      Liked by 2 people

  2. I love this book so much, I can never hear it praised enough. There are bits of another favorite of mine in this story, A.S. Byatt’s ‘Possession’. It’s such a clever mix of this and ‘Pride and Prejudice’ that Jenetta James so skillfully makes her own that I find myself (like you) desperately wishing for more when I reach the end.

    Liked by 1 person

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