“Secret Affairs” by Suzan Lauder, excerpt + giveaway

Hello!! I am sorry I am so disconnected, I have not forgotten my giveaway, I have just to remember to finish the post and share it with you. However, today I have super good news for you!!!

The third book of Cecilia’s Mismatches is here!!!! Suzan Lauder has finally released Secret Affairs and I cannot wait to share it with you! and when I have time, read it, although I have not read Book 2 yet as I barely read these days. Enough of me and more of Cecilia and Suzan!

Do you remember who Cecilia is? I hope so, but if not or you are new at MVAW, here you have a quick reminder:

Does she ring a bell? Well, I will share the blurb of Book 3 Secret Affairs and see what you think!

What do you think? Alexandra has a lot to think of and… did anybody see them ?

Let me to (re)introduce you to this lovely author who has so much to offer us with her novels, all of them!

A lover of Jane Austen, Regency period research and costuming, yoga, fitness, home renovation, design, sustainability, and independent travel, cat mom Suzan Lauder keeps busy even when she’s not writing novels based on Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, all of which are published by Meryton Press.

She and Mr. Suze and their rescue tabby split their time between a loft condo overlooking the Salish Sea and a 150-year-old Spanish colonial casita in Mexico. Suzan’s lively prose can be found on her Facebook author page, www.facebook.com/SuzanLauder; on Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest as @SuzanLauder; and on her Meryton Press blog, road trips with the redhead www.suzanlauder.merytonpress.com. Her Amazon author page is https://www.amazon.com/author/suzanlauder

Prior to publishing An Accomplished Woman of the Cecilia’s Mismatches series, Lauder had four novels, a novella, and a novelette published by Meryton Press and has short stories in two Austenesque anthologies. All are popular, most earning four-plus star ratings on Amazon and Goodreads. Accolades include Amazon bestseller for Letter from Ramsgate and The Barrister’s Bride, a Finalist for Sexy Scribbles for an excerpt from Alias Thomas Bennet, and several of her books were placed on top ten of the year lists by influential bloggers.

She even finds time to bake muffins!

Contact info:





Amazon Author Page

Meryton Press Blog, road trips with the redhead 

What about checking and buying this book or the previous two books? Why not?

Book 1 – An Accomplished Woman – Amazon Buy Link

Book 2 – The Reluctant Chaperon – Amazon Buy Link

Book 3 – Secret Affairs – Amazon Buy Link

Let Suzan get you into Secret Affairs, enjoy!

Hey, Ana! I’m so happy to be on your blog again!

Secret Affairs is largely about a couple and her denial of their attraction while he is wanting to move forward—yet they have issues to overcome along the way, including his past as a supposed rake. This scene is taken from about a third of the way through the book, when Lexie and Lord Remington are just starting to become fairly fascinated with kissing, but are uncertain as to their relationship. New love—sigh!


Excerpt from Secret Affairs Chapter 8

A pair of black glasses

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Thanks so much, Ana, for hosting me for this short excerpt. If any of the readers found this scene intriguing, I hope they leave a comment. Besides, a comment earns a chance at winning an e-book of Secret Affairs!

What do you think? Lexie is quite direct or at least she thinks she is? I really want to know that happened before and, of course, what is going to happen next!

Moreover, Suzan has already introduce the giveaway, just a bit more information about it below.

Meryton Press will be giving away one eBook for one person who comments on this blog post. Did you find the excerpt intriguing? What are your thoughts about it?

The giveaway is international. The winner will have to share with me their email address and I will pass it to Meryton Press to send you the ebook. You have until the 27th of May 2024 at 23:59 CET. Good luck!!

5 thoughts on ““Secret Affairs” by Suzan Lauder, excerpt + giveaway”

    1. I like this one even more than the first two because it started out life as an E&D book. I hope you like the story, Coleen!

      Liked by 1 person

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