Blog Tour of “The 26th November” by Elizabeth Adams, review + giveaway

Do you like the film Groundhog Day? If by any chance, you do not like it much, it is possible that you will like it when you read this variation of Pride and Prejudice written by Elizabeth Adams: The 26thof November: A Pride and Prejudice Comedy of Farcical Proportions.

As you may know by now, I dearly love Elizabeth Adams’ books, both period or modern variations. I have read and reviewed almost all her books and I can only recommend them as highly entertaining.

Let me (re)introduced you to Elizabeth Adams, a really good writer and a lovely person.

Elizabeth Adams is a book-loving, tango-dancing, Austen enthusiast. She loves old houses and thinks birthdays should be celebrated with trips – as should most occasions. She can often be found by a sunny window with a cup of hot tea and a book in her hand. elizabeth adams author profile pic-1477604540..jpg

She writes romantic comedy and comedic drama in both historic and modern settings.

She is the author of The Houseguest, Unwilling, On Equal Ground, and Meryton Vignettes: Tales of Pride and Prejudice, and the modern comedy Green Card. 

You can find more information, short stories, and outtakes at

What is the book about? Apart from my hint to Groundhog Day, read the blurb below. Enjoy!

The Netherfield Ball: Classic. Predictable. Immortalized.

But, what if Elizabeth were forced to relive it over and over and over again? Night after night after night?

Elizabeth: Clever. Witty. Confident.

Suddenly, her confusion and desperation make her question things she long thought she knew.

Mr. Darcy: Proud. Unapproachable. Bad tempered.

In this world where nothing is as it seems, Elizabeth must learn to see through new eyes.

Including a man she thought she hated. 

Let the hilarity ensue.

What do you think? Does it sound interesting? Believe me, it is interesting, fun and catchy: you will like to read a lot more!

Do you want to buy it? Check it here: Amazon US      Amazon ES

Amazon UK     Amazon CA


The Netherfield Park ball again, and again, and again, and again, until you lose track of how many times you have lived it. In a way, some of us like this ball very much and we have watched it several times in the different film adaptations of Pride and Prejudice, right? However, how would Elizabeth Bennet feel when reliving the ball so many times? As you can imagine, she will take advantage of that and try to make it right.

The first ball that we attend is the “real” one and we get to live also the following day when Jane Bennet receives the “charming” letter from her “friend” Miss Caroline Bingley. Jane is quite sad, and Elizabeth cannot believe that Mr Bingley is not coming back. Do you remember what else happens on the morrowof the ball apart from the letter? (I will leave it for you to remember).

However, the following day is, again, the day of the Netherfield Park ball. Elizabeth cannot believe it but eventually she thinks it may have been a premonition. Although… what happens the following day? Again, the ball…

I have asked you above, how would Elizabeth Bennet feel when reliving the ball so many times? As you can imagine, she will take advantage of the repetition and try to make it right: she tries to curb her younger sisters’ behaviour, she tries to convince Jane to be more forward, Elizabeth also tries to talk to his father, she tries to engage Mary with her appearance and with a better selection of music, she does a lot of things to help Jane with her suitor and she also wants her family not to be loud and indiscreet for her sake and her family’s sake.

What Elizabeth does not expect is to get to know Mr Darcy better, to see him in a different life and to feel they could be friends. A simple question such as: do you believe in premonitions? can make one intelligent person realise her prejudice and her misconstructed first impressions.

I am leaving it here, I cannot tell you more because I truly believe that it is worthy to read this book as it has made me smile a lot, but it is also moving and sweet. The last thing I will say is this: what a beautiful letter!!!

5out5 stars

Blog Tour Schedule

Enjoy much more of this book! Do not miss the previous posts.26th of November tour banner

9th of July / From Pemberley to Milton / Book Review & Giveaway

13th of July / From Pemberley to Milton / Guest Post & Giveaway

19th of July / Of Pens & Pages / Book Review & Giveaway

20th of July / Babblings of a Bookworm / Book Review & Giveaway

21th of July / My Love for Jane Austen / Character Interview & Giveaway

25th of July / More Agreeably Engaged / Book Review & Giveaway

28th of July / Just Jane 1813 / Book Review & Giveaway

2nd of August / Diary of an Eccentric / Book Review & Giveaway

6th of August / Austenesque Reviews / Excerpt Post & Giveaway

8th of August / My Vices and Weaknesses / Book Review & Giveaway

9th of August / Margie’s Must Reads / Book Review & Giveaway

Time to Give Away

Elizabeth Adams is offering:

a) five copies of The 26th of November


b) 5 audiobook codes, each one is good for one of her audiobooks


c) two autographed paperback copies of one of her books, readers’ choice from her catalog


12 different winner may get one of those amazing prizes, to participate, click the link below and follow the instructions. Read the terms and conditions below the link as well. The giveaway runs until midnight, 11th of August, 2018. Good luck!

Rafflecopter – “The 26th November”

Terms and Conditions:

Readers may enter the drawing by tweeting once a day and daily commenting on a blog post or a review that has a giveaway attached for the tour. Entrants must provide the name of the blog where they commented. If an entrant does not do so, that entry will be disqualified. 

One winner per contest. Each winner will be randomly selected by Rafflecopter and the giveaway is international.

22 thoughts on “Blog Tour of “The 26th November” by Elizabeth Adams, review + giveaway”

  1. Thank you for your review. I am intrigued about your last comment about a beautiful letter. I look forward to reading it and discovering who authored it.


  2. This scenario sounds really fun! I love Elizabeth’s books, my favorite one is The Houseguest. Really looking forward to reading this new one. 😉 So curious about this “letter” 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This book is at the top of my wish list. Every blog review makes me want to read it even more! Keeping my fingers crossed…

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I love the film Groundhog Day, and it was actually broadcast again here in the UK during the early part of this blog tour. Indeed, I was commenting on a couple of blogs whilst it was playing on our TV! Like Pam, this one is right at the top of my Wish List – the more I read about it, such as your review Ana, the more I simply have to read it myself. Can’t wait to find out what Elizabeth gets up to during the various “loops” and how she eventually breaks the circle.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Poor Elizabeth, having to repeatedly relive one of the most embarrassing days of her life! I can hardly wait to read it.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I have watched Groundhog Day but I don’t recall much of the plot. If I were in Elizabeth’s shoes, I think I’ll go mad trying to figure out how to stop this repetitive cycle. The premise is incredibly original as I don’t remember a story similar to this premise.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I can’t seem to add new thoughts at each blog but the intention to read this book whether getting lucky enough to win a copy or not… Thanks for the recommendations!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am sorry to read that but it is quite difficult to review it without spoilers. However, if you have a specific question, I am happy to answer it.


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